Still Here
So many deaths
Not just bodies
But, hearts and minds
Friends, family
Beloved pets
I know as well as I know
Anything that they are
Most likely better off
Than they were here
At least at the end of
Their lives animated by
Blood and Breath
Whether by accident
Sudden disease or
Long term illness
They are now released
From their bodies
Hopefully, fluttering around
In some spiritually
Uplifting space
Whatever heaven may be
For them
And here we are
Left, abandoned
Sad and sorrowful
Full of tears and
So much more
We who treasured them
We miss them
Or the they who they were
Before the downfall
Before the diagnosis
Before the wreck
Before the cancer
We are grateful to
Have known them
Loved them
Rejoiced with them
Cried with them
Now we cry alone
Along with all those
Who loved them too
Knowing that we will
Rub up against their
Energies again some day
In whatever form
We feel them
We already do