Innerterrestrial Exploration

Moving inward toward our Souls, uncovering layer upon layer of ego-involved plans, hopes and dreams, we stop and wonder.  Why all the interest in Extraterrestrials? Why not take a look at our InnerTerrestrial Beings, and see what we find? No, this not about a London band with such a name.

What can happen on this exploration? Landscapes that we may have never seen before can become more vibrant and real to us, if we stop looking outside ourselves for answers or revelation, and instead, start discovering what’s inside us, these bodies of ours.  What is our heart about, our brain, our nerve-endings, what do they do inside us, how do they affect our moods, our feelings and thoughts?  No, this is not a biology piece. I am writing symbolically about this precious mysterious internal system that we house inside these bodies, these bones and organs. The breath of Life, the Spirit.

What if we don’t look up into the sky or toward other people so much for answers, but present our questions and intentions to our Souls?  What if, instead of taking a survey of our friends and family about what we should do about a particular choice, we instead turn inward, with or without assistance, to ask our higher selves, our wise and knowledgeable selves - because after all, no one knows us like we do. Unfortunately though, even we cannot know ourselves fully.  We can, however, try to get to know ourselves better and better so that we can live our lives, knowing what our Souls and bodies want and need, instead of being directed or instructed by anyone other than ourselves. In this process, we also contact Spirit which lives within us, all around us, and through us. 

There are more ways to explore our innerterrestrial spaces than we can name. I have practiced as a psychotherapist for over 30 years and I have seen great change in others and in myself because of the usefulness of this type of practice. And, there are so many other avenues, methods and techniques for exploring this sacred space within and around us. So many alternative ways to know and grow, and like our current knowledge about our brains, we may not be able to know but 1/10 of all there is to know. Why try?  Because we are human and some of us are searchers, seekers, spiritually guided and informed by all sorts of religions and teachings - and we are hungry to know and grow more. Why, again? In order to develop into more loving, compassionate people who can navigate this thing called life without as much trauma, division, anxiety, anger, pain, sadness and depression as we have formerly experienced.

So that we can build a more perfect union, not in our country necessarily, although that would be nice. But, between us and our Selves, between us and other people, other beasts, plants, the climate, and all that lives on Mother Earth, and beyond her borders. Between us and Spirit. Yes, we can contact other knowing beings because we are all made up of stardust, shells, water, light, and so much more. We can sparkle more clearly, we can swim more easily, we can navigate life more gently if we can get to know and respect our innerterrestrial selves. The human race changes, and all of the world becomes a better place and space for us to live in and die in, to be recycled in, and to rehearse for our next lives, if we have more. And/or, we may wander into the unknown and extraterrestrial spaces as time goes on.

This can make sense when you think about how far we have come as human beings, and how far we have yet to go. Many people talk about 3D and 5D planes of existence. My guess is as we move up the ladder of numbers, those who are aware of, and get to know and embrace their inner selves, their Souls, their innerterrestrial spaces, may move up quite easily. Harder sometimes to stay stuck below in the concrete and mud when we are such sensitive, imaginative, creative and gifted beings. Why not explore more of our potential here on this earth, in our inner space, in order to become more beautiful, loving and kind human beings while we live here?  Why not start here and later explore Extraterrestrial energies?  Maybe we are they.

Barbara Sanders is my current website and my current passion.

Transmuting Energy